BIG Thanks to Bucky and Junkyardog...AND

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Posted by Caleb in Manhattan KS [] on Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 10:17:48 :

Junkyardog, Adelmans had the exact case we needed, it will be here by the beginning of next week and the truck will be back in service within an hour of that.

Bucky, We may still be interested in your case. Can you get the casting numbers off the case? There are 2 of them, sometimes they are together, sometimes apart, right near the upper left side of the case near the mounting area and maybe between the input and front output yokes.

Anyone else that has one or more of these cases laying around....even of they are in sore need of a rebuild, it seems that our issue is the slip spline gear on the input shaft, these dudes get rammed into FWD on the move and it breaks the teeth off the smaller gear, so I think we would be interested in buying either parts, or a whole case so we can have that part around. We are also in need of a parking brake assembly for another one of our trucks. We have 3 F600/700 firetrucks still in service and would really like to keep them going. They are good trucks that can haul alot of water and are fast enough to call them Fast Attack....unlike the 5 tons.

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