Posted by Chris Case [] on Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 09:42:37 :
In Reply to: Re: FFPW Mystery posted by gmharris [] on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 23:56:08 :
I'm going to suspect the spring breaks, the handle was cut off to allow disassembly without un-riveting.
On my previous project, it was the right rear. Maybe because it is easier to over compress that spring when latching the hood?
On my current project the hood leaf was hacked for a hydrovac on the fender. Replacement part that somebody gave me was missing one latch, so I'm swapping it over. So the donor must have had a broken latch, but it was left side rear.
Or maybe it caused by the cab flexing, and working the rear springs harder, until fatigue?
Without un-riveting, I managed to un bend the top tab enough to disasemble, remove the stub handle, fabricate a new handle, reassemble, then weld the handle on.
Maybe I ought to replace the springs on my current project, at least the rears?