Posted by Bob Stopka in PCB FLA [] on Friday, January 02, 2015 at 22:49:01 :
In Reply to: Re: Wish me luck fellas posted by Nick [] on Thursday, January 01, 2015 at 21:14:42 :
Be sure your lawyers listens to you but don't rant and rave. TRY YOUR HARDEST TO GET A DEAL FOR A ONE TIME PAYMENT FOR LUMP SUM ALIMONY IF YOU ARE THE PRIMARY INCOME MAKER. If she has an income from working and makes more than you SHE SHOULD PAY YOU ALIMONY. But if you make all the money because and she was "just the home maker" then her lawyer will try to GOUGE YOU to the MAX. Fight it... Alimony rules are different in each state so be sure you are up on that. Besides splitting the assets 50-50, if you are stuck paying alimony BE SURE TO GET A ONE TIME LUMP SUM PAYMENT WITH NO CHANCE OF HER EVER HAVING THE ABILITY TO GO BACK TO THE COURTS AND ASKING FOR MORE...
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