Posted by Kirk ct [] on Monday, December 22, 2014 at 21:51:22 :
Got started on pto transmission refurbishment rebuild over the past few days. The good news bearings shafts and gears all appeare to be in good shape. Bad news my pto casing is cracked... May have been the source of the obvious leak at the pto ...but that was helped by inexperienced use of a hydraulic press to disassemble everything.
Any one know if the internals of ptos can be swapped for older casings
Transmission np420
Pto powered a winch and has fwd and reverse
Pto has fwd and aft output shafts
1961 ffpw w 251 engine
Alternate repair can I marry an older non synchro trams pto combo to the 251 bell housing with out any issue?
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