Posted by scott 56 [] on Sunday, December 14, 2014 at 18:47:06 :
In Reply to: Moving again - thanks to all. In need of snow! posted by Don in NH [] on Saturday, December 13, 2014 at 17:23:15 :
Don, I did talk to you on the phone and tanks for posting the results of you poor man's rebuild. I did a step up from a poor man's rebuild, as my 88 year old father would say, a "Rich Okie" rebuild. I had the valves done, used the same pistons and replaced the cam, rod and main bearings. So I didn't regrind the cam or crank, they both looked good and the bearings were not scored. The ridge on the cylinder wall was minimal. I hope to start the engine soon. I have this desire to fix what is broke as in my father's days and every engine does not need an expensive, complete rebuild.
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