Posted by Todd in Kansas [] on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 12:31:41 :
In Reply to: people are going off the end posted by jerryinidaho [] on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 12:16:40 :
We had a cop shoot a guy a half a block from my house a few weeks ago. He came off the porch with 2 knives and headed for the cop. Repeated verbal instructions to stop didn't work and the dude got shot. The in car cam got all of it and it was the same 15-20ft range.
Tazers are not a fool proof 100% type of tool. They sometimes miss or not get hooked up properly. Sometimes they shock the cop. In a situation like this as a cop you have seconds to react. A failed tazer takes away some of those seconds and then the cop has to pull the gun and shoot. By then it may be too late. If the attacker is high on dope they may not be stopped like a normal person could.
Its too bad the 12 yr old kid got shot but with all that's going on the last several years a gun is a gun. What if that bb gun that looked like an automatic handgun was actually the real thing?
Guns and knives are deadly weapons and if you don't do whats asked of you by a cop or attack the cop you are gonna get shot.
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