Posted by J-Gilly [] on Saturday, November 08, 2014 at 09:44:32 :
Hi guys. A few years back, I switched my 1950 B-2 PW to 12V. I'd like to finish it up and get everything working. I need to know the resistors I need for the following: the fuel gage, the horn, and the heater fan. I assume they resistors should be 2 Ohm since I switchedi from 6V to 12V, but I don know the wattage rating for each one . I also blew out the low and medium speeds on the heater fan, and I assume that those were two different resistors, and that the high speed is just a direct connection, without resistor. Are those resistors on the heater fan switch on the dash? I have not yet looked for them. Hoping I can replace resistors, and not the switch. Thanks for your help!
- Jon
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