Posted by RDavis on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 8:12PM :
In Reply to: Spray bottle of gasolene posted by Clint Dixon on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 6:13PM :
Lets see, Compression is good,so valves must be closing ok. I guess the only thing left to cause a backfire would be ignition timing and and raw liquid fuel in the manifolds, lets hope someone hasn't messed with the distributor.
I like to squirt my gas directly into the carb as vaporized as possible with a hand pumped spraybottle (as I don't like rawliquid fuel seeping past my rings or into open exhaust valves vaporizing in the manifold waiting to explode and blow my exhaust system apart),3-4 good sprays and then try to crank, or was it stand directly over the carb looking down while continually spraying as you crank the eng.?If it hits I can aim my spraybottle at arms length from my face from within a ft. of the carb (to the side of course)and spray enough fuel to keep it turning over.Works like a charm but, if I wasn't a careful cautious person and have some idea as to what I was doing , I'd do it the hard least effective way. I am terrified of gasoline vapors if I'm not in control of the stuff myself, it is definately nothing to play with. I learned my lesson years ago about keeping my head as far from the carb top when trying to crank an eng. after pouring gas into it, a teenage boy without eyebrows and lashes is not a pretty sight.
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