Re: Family?

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Posted by jerryinidaho [] on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 16:02:59 :

In Reply to: Family? posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 15:15:51 :

I wanted to avoid commenting on this, because it's not the purpose of this forum, but I believe you hit the nail on the head. Weak family life or no family life, both parents working, kids raise themselves on t.v. or video games or worse. I certainly don't support Lenin or his philosophy on leadership, but his quote "Destroy the family and you destroy the country", is fundamentally true.
I wonder just what percentage of families in this country actually talk, eat, and recreate together, without some sort of an electronic device.
When we raised our 4 kids, we had no television, and other electronics were not even thought of. We ate meals, rode our bikes, went snow shoeing, hunting, fishing, camping, and even read together. Please, I'm not blowing my horn, but at least my kids are all relatively normal, stable and respectful young adults.

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