Posted by Randy Baker [] on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 22:35:19 :
In Reply to: Made it home from West Va, with only a little excitement! posted by Tim Holloway [] on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 22:05:01 :
Hi Tim,
Had similar thing happen to me. A man gave me an old Reo. Went to pick it up, I was in the Reo and my son in law was hand winching it on the trailer backwards. All of a sudden everything was moving the wrong way, I was supposed to let out the clutch when the truck was on the trailer far enough. Well, I was pushing the clutch in an out, pushing on the brake that went all the way to the floor not realizing that it wasn't the Reo moving on the trailer but the whole trailer, tow rig and Reo all going for a crazy ride. Ended up stopping like your's did once it jack knifed. But, by then I was in the neighbor's across the street front yard. Took out some weird rare grape plants that he had to have a specialist come to replace.
End of the story is, the free truck that was a real piece of ****. cost me $1500.
Hope all is well,
Randy Baker
Winters, CA
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