Posted by Chris Case [] on Saturday, October 04, 2014 at 21:56:42 :
In Reply to: Re: new cable posted by Ron Hardin [] on Saturday, October 04, 2014 at 20:00:13 :
Never let winch cable slide through your hands, a wire can grab you and wind you right in. Use a hand over hand technique.
Some guys hook the end to a tree or?? slightly up hill, than winch the truck up to the tree. That bit of load keeps everything neat and tight.
But I'm inner city, don't have a 200 foot driveway with a tree at the end.
I do wind mine in single handed ;^) NOT OSHA approved. Pile the cable in big loops as far away as you can, so you have plenty of warning of a tangle. Start it winding, feeding hand over hand. When you get to the last few feet, run to the cab and step on the clutch with your left hand, throw the pto out of gear, and do the rest by hand rolling the spool. I don't trust the dog clutch at the spool to disengage under any even slight load, and at that point "Time is of the Essence". (that was a clause in a lease I once read.)
And remember what I always say-"Dying with all your fingers is like dying with money in the bank- You could have had more fun!" Maybe I've still got all 12, but seven surgeries get some of the credit. ;^)