Posted by JET [] on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 14:08:34 :
Ya know, I've been waiting to get started on the wheel cylinder replacement process, and ordered the cylinders from VPW. I already knew that the shoe retaining clip on the front left was broken, and was in dire need of replacing...the forward shoe was free to move about the hub. So, attack!! wheel off, seals, bearings, brakes, wheel cylinder, brake plate, lines. All disassembled, cleaned, bearings repacked, seal replaced...put it back together, and moved to the front right...same process...back left, wheel cylinder was leaking badly, nasty consequences occurred, and was able to salvage all existing hub-related parts. Went back together with no glitches, but when I opened the back left hub, both shoe linings fell out!!! OMG! Didn't count on that hickey!! Long story short, took the shoes to a tractor (truck) shop, and asked to get them relined, and back by Sat. PM. The guy said it'll be $44.00 EACH shoe...I hit the floor!! Guy says...yeah, we've gotta pay our reliner overtime to make the time on the parts...I much to pick them up on Monday....$22. each.... I guess....Sorry this post is soo long.......JET