Posted by clueless [] on Friday, September 26, 2014 at 21:36:51 :
found two 900 16 but one is almost an inch taller than the other--be cool if i can find some more and feelers are out--one is a russian tire and the other a bf goodrich--then i was referred to a used tire dealer called him and he said he has some--so i get there and he has three 13.5 x 16.1 bfg goodrich with the diamond tread--course he said the 16.1 would not make a difference and he said he may be able to find three more--they are 37 tall--but i had my doubts and asked another dealer and said no 16.1 will not work on 16
on my way back home i stopped by the folks place that have my old 67 wm that i sold about 32 years ago--changed hands a couple times and ended up with them--nice paint job and they had bought a brand new 230 and 420(cuz when they got it the 251 had been replaced by an int. v8) from the states but they were not happy with it(too slow) so they took that out and put in a late model cherokee v8 auto mated to the tc--looks like i may get the 420 and maybe the 230 and 2 to 1 tc for cheap-- they butchered the firewall to put the v8 in it--why i am not sure--pretty clean job tho--course i told them the v8 would not do them a whole lot a good as far as speed goes without changing the gear ratio or going to bigger tires--they expressed some interest in some 4.89s
not sure if they got an m37 230 and 420 or a civy---question--will the wc crash box pto fit the 420 and how can i tell if it is a civy or m37
still like the 1050s and eventually will go with those--found some recappable 14 ply 8.25s for $20 and to recap em is 65--may go that way so i can pas inspection and go from there
the 8.25s will be 34.5 when recapped wonder if i could run those with the
my 3 maybe passable 900 s that are 35 in. tall so i can pass inpection and get my plates--until i am up and running and have a little more doe to buy the 1050s
sorry for the long post but that tis what has been going on down here
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