Posted by Dozerman51 [] on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 21:51:38 :
After owning my WC-12 for the past 27 years, I finally straightened my bent Brake pedal. It was bent about 3-4" above where it comes through the upper metal toe- board. I attached it to my war surplus Rock Island Vise, heated the area up for about 3-4 minutes with some MAP gas, not red hot mind you, let it cool for about a minute and gave it a few gentle taps with a carpenters hammer and voila, straight as an arrow. Could never figure out how the heck it was bent in the first place unless some herculoid put the boot to it while trying to stop the truck. Had bought a used one out of a 1.5 ton WF truck. Did not fit, wrong bend and thicker. Should have known since the CC part number was a different one than was on my pedal. Oh well, you live and learn. LOL. Anyone need this pedal? I'll let go for cheap! All cleaned up and painted gloss black and the bushing still looks good also. Don't have the Part# at the moment, in Hawaii enjoying the fun and sun. Have been on the lookout for any WC's or PW's, but haven't seen any so far here on Maui.
Joe Giraud
41 WC-12