Posted by dan m [] on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 09:40:31 :
after almost 2 years of non-stop work my wife and I are taking about 3 weeks off and going on "vacation". my wife started planning this "vacation" about a year ago. we will be doing about a 200 mile southbound section hike of the appalachian trail and then attending the international storytellers festival in jonesborough tennesee. my wife has never camped outside a single night. the only condition I put on this "vacation" was that no way would she be allowed too wimp out and head for a hotel. this should be very interesting to say the least. (probably under stated)leaving tomorrow morning and will be sleeping outside for the next few weeks. will only be checking my email about once a week. for some this might not sound like a vacation, but I think for most of the power wagon community it would be. pw content below
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