Posted by don in nh [] on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 21:08:38 :
Hi all,
I am embarrassed to have taken this long to get back to my poor-mans engine rebuild, after getting discouraged with non-starting and then a dead starter. But I am back and would appreciate some insight.
Last time I was here, the problem was it was not starting and my starter motor was very unhappy. I just got my starter rebuilt and who would have thought it could work so well...?
Anyway to make a long story short, my 230 will not start fully when cranked with all plugs in. It goes "brrrm--brrm-brrm", generates some combustion fumes and dies out (starter disengages due to the engine starting to run). Frustrated, it was time to check for spark (yet again) - I removed the #1 plug held it to the head and cranked ...vroom, it started! Scared me! Just puffed along pretty happily, if not funny sounding. So I put the plug back in and tried again - won't start. Removed plug - starts. I tried removing #2, runs all plugs in, no start...I haven't tried them all, but I suspect it is the same. All plugs - no go, one out puffs along.
I used a timing light to set the timing with the 5 plugs, and after being initially very advanced I ended up with it pretty much at 0 and it still will not start with all plugs in. One out and it starts instantly.
So, can anyone suggest why this is the case, and hopefully what I can do it get it to run with all the plugs in? Any thoughts on what I can do or look at?
Once again, I appreciate all the help and suggestions!
Thank you,
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