Posted by Daryl in Oz [] on Sunday, August 24, 2014 at 01:43:12 :
In Reply to: pw logging posted by jerryinidaho [] on Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 23:10:02 :
Good one Jerry, as you know I do most of my stuff by myself and when I quartered the big pine that came down over the hen house and fenced yard a section about that size was left until last. I hooked it up to pull it clear and moved it a little, got out and checked all was OK, then went back to move it the rest of the way. I could only see out one mirror, the rest was obscured and it all looked good, so off I went. I didn't notice the log had rolled about 180 degrees and at the next check when it was clear of the area I found the whole wire yard and half the hen house was still attached. It was somewhat stretched out of shape and took me another 3 days to rebuild. Still chuckling :-)
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