Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Sunday, August 17, 2014 at 19:41:03 :
OK, maybe tangentally related to Power Wagons. Since I sold my Power Wagon which I plowed my driveway, I am getting another truck that I had aquired a coupl of years ago ready to be my plow truck. The engine was hydrolocked, so I am replacing it with a rebuilt long block I bought. I am in the process of stripping off the components from the dead engine and cleaning everything up in preparation for reinstalling it onto the new engine. The main pulley was pretty crusty so I sandblasted it. Now it looks brand new. I will be painting it before installing it. Here is my question. On the back side of the pulley is a pulse ring for the crankshaft position sensor. Am I going to screw things up by painting the pulse ring? The sensor works off of magnetism, will the paint interfere with that?
The truck is a 2000 F-150 in great shape other than the engine, and it came with the plow. I know it wont be the same trying to push snow with it but hey, its what I had.
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