Posted by gmharris [] on Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 17:09:41 :
In Reply to: Vehicle taxes? posted by Sterling [] on Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 12:18:23 :
Always get the paperwork done before you invest much money. Then, if there's a problem later, or, as is more often the case, you end up selling the truck because, "You just have too many projects", it will be worth more to someone.
And, if you need some additional signatures or statements from the seller, it will easier to get them done now than in five years. On one of the trucks I bought, the seller had not marked one box. The DMV required that I get another signed form from him to "correct" the error. Since they had noted the problem in the computer, I couldn't just check the box and start all over at a different DMV.
I can see the problem if you plan on changing the engine, but there should be an easy procedure for changing engine numbers.
In some states, you have a limited time to get the truck registered from the time you get it. Then you either have to either lie or pay penalties for the time it should have been registered. If the previous owner let the license lapse, failed to pay child support, has outstanding tickets or something similar, you may have also have a problem getting the truck registered. For instance, if five years ago, the seller parked the truck on the street to clean his garage, but got a street sweeping ticket, you may have to pay back license fees if the truck was not registered at the time.
In California, you pay fees based upon what you paid for the truck. But, if it is an out-of-state truck you have to have it weighed and the VIN inspected before you can title it, so get that done before you start taking the truck apart. It doesn't have to be running.
You can probably get a "title only" if you are going to be working on the truck and not driving it. That way, you can put the truck in Non-op status for all the years it will be stored before you finally realize you are never going to get it running :)