Posted by Marty [] on Wednesday, August 06, 2014 at 22:41:12 :
In Reply to: Re: 1972 W600 Info. / Parts posted by Mark in FLG [] on Wednesday, August 06, 2014 at 21:40:37 :
You can add an electric overdrive such as a Gear Vendor or several others & that'll get you up around 60mph with a 20% or so overdrive but that'll cost you $2000ish to accomplish as well. Surprisingly, those overdrives are as strong as anything that 361 can dish out. The nice thing about those is that you can fit one between the transmission & transfercase & then you've even got OD if you're in 4wd.
Or you can go with a way bigger tire! :)
Truthfully...the W500's I've driven...45mph seems like 145mph in any other truck :)