Posted by Dozerman51 [] on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 18:27:56 :
Came out of the local CVS Drug Store here in San Carlos, California last night and a couple were looking at my WC-12. The guy was taking pics of it and I told him the pics weren't free! LOL. We started talking and they said they were from Canada. They also said they had a friend there who collected Dodge Power Wagons. When they said that, I said to myself, here it comes. They said his name was Marty Mckenzie. I said, I know Marty and showed him the back of my Calif, Dodge Power Wagon T- shirt. We talked cars and trucks for quite awhile. They are heading back up to Canada for a month. I told them to look me up when they return to San Carlos. Their names are Otto and Sheila. What nice folks they are. It's a small world.
Joe Giraud
San Carlos, Ca
'41 WC-12 Salad
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