Posted by jerryinidaho [] on Sunday, July 20, 2014 at 12:42:38 :
In Reply to: Man Truck thoughts posted by Cliff Cole [] on Sunday, July 20, 2014 at 07:12:31 :
I'm 72. If you aren't there yet, you will be some day. My shoulders are shot from lifting walls that were too long and beams that were too heavy for 50 years. My legs are a lot stronger, and can push the brake pedal with a lot less pain than trying to park in those tiny spaces.
I figured it was flat there, That part of the country isn't known for hills and mountains. I suggest you stick with the original brakes (unless you need 4 new drums on top of the wheel and master cylinders and brake shoes, because the disks might make more sense) and spend the money on power steering.