Posted by clueless [] on Friday, July 18, 2014 at 11:32:35 :
picked up my wheel cylinders at cusstoms(charged me $20 in taxes) and lg bore mc
looks to be at least 2 diff. brands of wheel cylinders
i opened the eis and they appear to have steel pistons
went to see sammy at the boat dock and he was winching a boat out of the estuary with his 1944 long block which he claims is a 251 but i don t think they made those then--according to the book he has it is te 120 hp one
his mechanic was working on a 72 w200 with an izuzu truck motor in it
i asked sammy where he got the bracket mount for the twist on filter he had on the winch to which he replied he did not know and i asked his mechanic if he knew and he pulled one out of the back of his car and sold it to me for $10
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