Posted by Dan H [] on Friday, July 18, 2014 at 01:41:08 :
In Reply to: Fire Truck Woody $175,000 on Ebay. posted by gmharris [] on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 17:40:17 :
Gmharris, I owned a 54 FFPW that had a front mounted pump which was driven with a driveshaft that went through the hand crank hole in the bottom of the radiator to a plate that was bolted on to the front pulley with a u joint . It was built by Coast MFG in the east bay, I believe Concord and it had a Rube Goldberg linkage that ran from the passenger side dash through the engine compartment and to a reduction gear box which was driven by chain so the more turns you put on the shaft the more the clutch engaged the pump. Some where on this site there is a great picture break down of when Tom Phillipbar built the wood body on the Ebay truck, Tom lives in SoCal and is an amazing craftsman and fabricator who had a vision and put it together, my hat is off to Tom for his workmanship.When he was taking this Firetruck to the different shows in the southland the price was much higher than what the seller is asking for it on Ebay. Truly one of kind.
Dan H