Posted by clueless [] on Tuesday, July 01, 2014 at 00:14:07 :
In Reply to: mc posted by clueless [] on Monday, June 30, 2014 at 17:33:47 :
so there are three rubber pcs the 1 1/4 cup, the one that fits around the piston and the one that looks like a rubber washer
they got the cups here at the parts house but will they have the other two
i assumed the mc would be junk like the wheel cyl but it does not look too bad and to pass inspection and get my plates plan is to just go stock for the time being
all i need are the wheel cyloinders and rockauto will ship them here
i priced the ford mc in my link and it worked out at about $100 with shipping
plan is to go up and get a few things but that may not happen