Posted by gmharris [] on Sunday, June 15, 2014 at 13:22:12 :
In Reply to: It's not personal posted by Mark in ca [] on Sunday, June 15, 2014 at 02:58:33 :
sounded personal to some, the part about me being bitter and needing to find a job at Starbucks.
Based upon your responses, I'd say your are a relatively young guy. So here's some advice while you are achieving, "great things": Opinions are like belly buttons, every body has them, so try not to over-react to them.
By the way, you maligned some pretty decent people who are working at honest jobs at Starbucks. Just because they don't make enough money serving you coffee to have someone build them a truck doesn't mean they are not good people.
I'd be proud to work at Starbucks, or any other honest job, if that's what I needed to do. Lots of people today would be happy just to have a job.
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