Posted by Eric B. on Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 7:37PM :
In Reply to: Re: Tight posted by travis kingsbury on Monday, July 16, 2001 at 7:13PM :
I don't think a Dana 44 closed knuckle tube has so tight a tolerance that you can't put a small bend in it(I am talking very small, but the needed change to fix your problem is not big) without damaging the inner workings.
My guess is that as a truck ages the tube gets bent from use, I have seen the balls seperate from the tube, but that truck was jumped.
Of couse this could all be a load of bulls*** that this friend of mine was feeding me, I never checked with a shop as my truck has not been driven far enough to show wear on the tires.
Does anyone have any experiance with this?
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