Posted by Kurt Hirte on Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 6:27PM :
In Reply to: Re: m43 ambulance posted by Jackson Reimund on Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 5:20PM :
The second truck was evedently stolen from the other locat1on. I was set to by the pair maybe 8 months ago but when the parts m37 wasn't available I didn't want to try to do it without a parts truck. I wrote it off as not going to happen and over the course of the past 6 months or so bought a couple of m37's and then it got listed again at a lesser price so you know how that goes, I had to have it. Well know I have it and I just wanted to put the offer out there that if someone is looking for one to restore I am open to offers. I just feel a little guilty not restoring it(which I may or may not do) if I keep it. If anybody is interested I also have a running parts m37(rusty sheetmetal).
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