Posted by David Sherman on Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 4:55PM :
In Reply to: m37 door glass replacement posted by Kurt Hirte on Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 9:09AM :
Lucky you, new regulators. I'm still trying to get my old ones to keep working without twisting the crank off. I replaced the glass a couple years ago and as I recall the top piece of the frame is screwed on with countersunk screws that were hard to get out. Maybe yours are so rusty or painted that you didn't notice them. You can just break out the old glass and use a torch on the screws to loosen them up. After you get the screws out, there is still a bracket that in the corner that you'll have to slide out and is probably rusted in place too. The usual torch and penetrating oil got mine loose. I just glued my glass in place with Sikaflex marine sealer since the rubber was shot.
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