Posted by Caleb in Manhattan KS [] on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 13:59:18 :
Every so often, my '01 has had a it's dropping an injection shot on one hole...I call it a hiccup. Well, towing back and forth to McPherson, I noticed that grades that never were hard to pull in the past with this truck were kicking my butt...higher EGT's, seeming lack of power, higher coolant temp as well. Couple all of this with a steady slow decrease in fuel mileage over the last 2 years and all of the pieces start to fall together. Well, yesterday I was driving in town and it did the hiccup thing about 4 times in a mile, surging a little bit after each, then again at a stop light where I was glad I had my foot hard on the brake. Did a bunch of reading online and have come to the conclusion that it's now time for a new VP44. Talked to Doug at Blue Chip and he said if my fuel pressure is good (Im at 12-13 idle, 6 was the lowest at WOT pulling around 10K, and about 8-9 WOT empty), my filters are good (changed 2 months ago and I always fuel at the same 2 stations depending on which side of town I'm on), and no cel, then most likely the IP is the problem and the "hiccup" is very likely a sticking piston internally though it is rare for them to stick and not just seize totally, it is not unheard of.
Just one more thing and another $1300...
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