Posted by John Eickhof [] on Friday, May 02, 2014 at 13:27:40 :
In Reply to: cable shopping posted by jerryinidaho [] on Thursday, May 01, 2014 at 21:10:44 :
I am surprised that you are having problems finding fcwr, it is still mandatory in many states for wrecker and recovery use because it is more flexible, retains lubricant, and has way less backlash when severed than any scwr. Yes it's capy is slightly less, but 7/16 is rated way higher than the recommended winch load. I have used fcwr for decades and even 7/8 and 1" can be handled way easier that scwr! And if it is a quality cable, damaged spots (flattened or distorted) tend to self heal when rewound properly under tension after use. Unlike scwr. I buy my cable from a crane & rigging supply not a logging supply, you can also get it from AW Direct (towing supply) I usually have a thimble swedged onto the working end with a 5 ft 1/2" chain lead and grab hook. Makes a nice setup and no clamps to take care of or loose strands to hook your fingers!
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