Posted by clueless [] on Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 14:39:33 :
In Reply to: Re: almost posted by Don Williams [] on Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 08:30:29 :
and it needs to happen and the feds just stood down as far as i can tell unless they will try again in the middle of the night or some such
which proves a point which is there really is more of us than them and if we all just rallied against the thugs at the wheel we could tell them to step down or face charges of treason and we all know what the penalty for that is
my guess is folks in the military would stand with us ralliers so it would be a peace of cake all we gotta do is do it
unless it was a test and now they know they would have to sick troops on us from overseas to try and pull off their agenda 21 con etc.
but they are tricky and they instigate revolutions to trick folks into falling for their con so we have to be on are tippy toes
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