Posted by jerryinidaho [] on Wednesday, April 09, 2014 at 10:45:36 :
In Reply to: Re: For the carpenters out there OT posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Wednesday, April 09, 2014 at 01:15:10 :
A lot of condensation problems has to do with the ground. If there is a lot of water in the ground, you need to build a good sand/gravel base, at least 8" to 12" thick, cover that with a heavy water proof barrier (minimum 4 mil visqueen (plastic)) and then pour a 4" to 6" slab, depending on the weight you might want it to support. No concrete on the floor, or even concrete with no preparation and barrier, will allow lots of moisture through, which will condensate on the ceiling and walls.
Too often buildings get built on a really tight budget, when a guy is young and figures he's lucky to have what he has, and later he pays for the money he didn't have to spend at the time.
Ask me how I know, having raised 4 kids in North Idaho during some very lean times. :)
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