Posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 19:39:19 :
In Reply to: Priming a 4bt posted by 136115664665595CPGd [] on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 19:02:02 :
Unscrew the bleed screw/bolt on top of the fuel filter and hand pump till you get a good stream...Close that bleed screw/bolt...from memory 10 mm wrench.
Crack your injector lines at each injector. Crank engine, with fuel shutoff solenoid open (I use a remote push button to the starter). When you get good shots out of each injector, tighten the injector lines. She should start. If running poorly, crack each injector line, one at a time to let air out and get a good stream, then tighten and go to the next. You should have a home run.
If not, quit while your ahead and send the problem child to me LOL
Use caution at the Injector bleeding as its very high pressure.
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