Re: ot why you should by jap cars

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Posted by Kevin Mienke [] on Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 09:34:46 :

In Reply to: ot why you should by jap cars posted by clueless [] on Friday, March 14, 2014 at 15:50:12 :

Since forty percent of the money in this country is held by one percent of the people, I don’t believe for a minute that Union Workers are causing the problem that the corporate execs would like us to think.

Not a single union laborer is among the one percent. The one percent is made up of corporate execs.

Doing the math isn’t hard. But sometimes getting past the propaganda can be.

When we bite on propaganda such as this, we’re playing into the hand of the one percent who would like to see the other 99 percent argue amongst each other until they have claimed every red cent.

Of course, anyone who makes a generalized sweeping statement that unions are entirely bad or unions are entirely good just isn’t paying attention. I spent my whole career as a union firefighter. The vast majority of us did our job well and we took pride in it. But, there were jerks too. There are jerks everywhere.

When you come across a jerk that happens to be a union worker, you gotta ignore him like you would any other jerk. Remember that most folks are just good folks doing their best to get by. Union or non-union, we’re the 99 percenters.

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