Posted by Dave Horvath [] on Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 21:16:55 :
In Reply to: Lost a friend posted by Arthur on Shelter Island [] on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 21:15:33 :
Sorry to hear you lost your friend to cancer before his time.
I had prostate cancer myself about three years ago. It was very aggressive, but we caught it early due to an elevated PSA test. My only symptoms were feeling like I had a knot or cramps deep down in my abdomen.
I had my prostate and part of my bladder removed. My PSA is undetectable now. My doctor has assured me he got all the cancer out and it did not spread to my lymph nodes or anywhere else. I had nerve-sparing surgery, which allows me to enjoy most of the activities I could before the surgery.
I learned that a genetic predisposition to prostate cancer is passed down on your mother's side. My mom's grandfather died of it. Her father died with it. Her brother had it treated and is still with us. Fortunately, my son is at no increased risk.
Men should have their PSA checked beginning around 35. Once your doctor establishes a baseline for you, they can tell if you have a sharp increase in PSA.
I am overdue getting my first colonoscopy, which you should start at 50. I called this week to get it done.
Hopefully, someone who reads of your friend's passing will make an appointment and it will make a difference for them.
Take care.