Posted by Sterling [] on Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 19:48:41 :
I decided i would run my WM300 to the next town over and well it didn't go so well. I was driving about 40-45 and i felt a little vibration and i though it was kinda odd but nothing serious well the next thing got my attention! lol Sounded like a bomb going off under my floorboard i went up on the curb about 30mph to get out of the road because traffic was heavy! Looked underneath an the joint for the intermediate shaft had broke and the driveline started hitting the floor board. Anyway got her towed back and ordered some u joints. I may have forgot the c clips that hold it in there. I dunno what happened for sure. When i hit the curb both of my puppies ridding with me did back flips in the seat! lol
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