Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Wednesday, February 05, 2014 at 14:17:19 :
In Reply to: Re: Wow. Is it too soon to ask a carb question? posted by Brent [] on Wednesday, February 05, 2014 at 00:44:20 :
I've found that CLR cleaner, marketed as a bathroom cleaner for rust stains and hard water deposits, does a great job of removing the white deposits in carburetors that even Chem-Dip won't remove. After cleaning the parts of all oil and varnish with organic solvents, a little soak in a 50/50 dilution of CLR totally removes the white (and on brass, greenish) crud without hurting the metal at all. We used to call the white crusty stuff "lead deposits". I don't know if they really are or not, but if they are, they're likely carbonates. Lead is very similar to calcium chemically, so I wouldn't be surprised if something that dissolves lime deposits also dissolves lead. I like this a lot better than mechanical methods because it won't damage surfaces that have to seal or slide.