Posted by clueless [] on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 16:43:44 :
In Reply to: Re: Master Cylinder posted by Sterling [] on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 at 22:23:22 :
should be the same
66 islast year they used it and in 67 they went to a dual master cyl mounted backwards under the cab with the pushrod pushing to the rear and two hydravacs one for each reseroir
stop a train-----right steve!!
i know cuz i had one and am gonna do upgrade like ken see i believe and put the dual mc where the ole single resevoir with with an adapter plate for the four hole and a hydravac for each resevoir---already have one on the frame so i can put the other one where my ole st. box was or on the fire wall or on the frame anywhere i want to