Posted by Paul (in NY) [] on Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 09:35:05 :
Schroon Lake received a State grant to provide High Speed Fiber Optic Internet/TV/Phone. This will provide high speed Fiber Optic service to roughly 457 homes that are on Dial Up. My mountain road is included. Engineers are now drawing up the system and Fiber Cable installation will start in March when winter subsides. My road due to remoteness will be last, about August 2014. When Complete, I then can post 50 Tera Byte pictures ha ha ha. Homes in the village will not get Fiber Optic as they are presently served by Time Warner Cable
"$2,162,656 - Schroon Lake Next Generation Broadband
This project with Slic Network Solutions will serve the North Country region. Slic Networks Solutions will provide high-speed, low-cost broadband service to 457 households in the unserved areas of the Town of Schroon and the Town of North Hudson. This service will be delivered utilizing fiber to the home technology. Slic will also provide wireless hot spots for frequently visited public locations including the public beach in Schroon Lake."
Full NY State Story here;
Paul (look out for big pictures
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