Progress Pics,,,
[Follow Ups] [Post Followup] [Dodge Power Wagon Forum]
Posted by CSCameron [] on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 16:06:40 :

Here is a composite shot of my before and after blasting/painting. I did not fix the rust through on the cab as I am not set up to do so yet. I was able to blast off all other rust on the frame/cab. On to the next phase...
Follow Ups:
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - Kaegi 22:16:36 11/22/2013
- AWESOME CLARK!! - Nick 14:51:41 11/22/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - dana in ma 08:30:39 11/22/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - Tom Petroff (IL) 05:52:48 11/22/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - Glen of Idaho 23:07:49 11/21/2013
- what kind and size of tires are those - clueless 21:02:45 11/21/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - JET 20:37:08 11/21/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - Paul (in NY) 20:08:12 11/21/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - dan m 20:02:19 11/21/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - Perry 19:05:04 11/21/2013
- Re: Progress Pics,,, - clueless 16:08:43 11/21/2013
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