Posted by derek [] on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 21:19:02 :
In Reply to: Re: Elk, sad end posted by Nick [] on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 20:30:55 :
Brush up on your google foo. I started by searching for "keep them wild." That lead to some other search ideas. Finally some google image searches and that image caught my eye. Right click on image and copy image location. Paste this into image url on post.
Google now lets you search by image like tineye does. Use either one to search for instances on the web. In google images click the camera icon in the text bar. Paste in the URL from above or drag and drop an image on your computer. Wake up an hour later and wonder where the time went...
Looks like there is only one source for this image (red paint on gun stock common to all) that has been poached all over the web (just like my post).
The oldest instance from tineye is some European vacationer blog post. Looks like Vancouver or maybe further north in Alaska. Google translate helped here too, but the Olympic monument in the pictures helped ;)... Also the title of the post I didn't read the first scroll through.
like Chris said. Be curious. Everything is on the net. Watched youtube vid of setting open fractures for first aid class this last week, but that's another story.
Press buttons. See what happens!
To bring this ever so slightly on topic, there are lots of youtube videos of folks with hot rod flat head sixes, and power wagons making noise and throwing up mud or snow online now. Use similar techniques to dig deeper. There goes another hour...