Electrnic ignition going bad

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Posted by Witzel [] on Saturday, November 09, 2013 at 11:14:35 :

Well a few months ago i got my power wagon going and the old mopar mechanic changed it to electronic igition. A few days later i was driving it home and it was running very rough almost like it was not getting gas. I pulled into my place and there was a small noise under the hood and the truck went dead. Took it back to him and he told me that there was no spark and the electronic igition was bad. VPW replaced it since i had no miles on it. Well i was driving it home from the farm the other day and it started to run rought like it was cold blooded or not getting enough gas. Made the same noise and again it died. I am thinking its the electronic ignition again. Is there a reason this would go out twice??

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