Posted by Marty [] on Friday, November 08, 2013 at 03:34:25 :
In Reply to: Marty posted by Dan H [] on Thursday, November 07, 2013 at 22:25:29 :
Hi Dan, yes, very true.
Our boat was a yarding boat that just moved barges around Vancouver harbour & handed them off to the outside boats & so it was starting & stopping all day & night. It was 700HP but it could easily out pull anything else in the harbour even up to 1200hp but as you probably know, boats are very different from cars. Getting your engines set up with the right gears, wheels & nozzles is an art & requires lots of time & money.
We built that boat in 1967 & we just sold it a couple of years ago but those engines are still running strong & it still does twice the work every day to the new boats with all the new gadgetry & series 60 engines.
We thought a out repowering it with 60's but why mess with know?
The only thing I'd do if I still owned it would be to switch to 8V92T's. The turbo'd version is much quieter.