Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 18:56:40 :
I am sure I am not alone here, but every time I am getting ready to attend a Power Wagon Rally I end up taking care of assorted nagging issues with the trucks. Without Rallies, I would likely just adapt and get used to whatever annoyance it is.
Case in point, I have not been bringing my Power Wagon to Rallies for the past few years, as I have brought my 57 W-100, or my M37 or a 60 W-100 I had for a while. Before the Lee Rally this year I went over the Power Wagon pretty well and fixed a lot of little things that had cropped up over the past few years that were not critical but still needed fixing. I missed the bad rear motor mount on my Dennan overdrive which let go at Lee, but is now replaced. Today, I was looking things over under the hood and saw a drip of brake fluid from the master cylinder. It does not drip much, and I keep an eye on the level, so have lived with it for quite a while. It has made a complete mess of the paint on the valve cover right below it! OK, nows the time! I ordered a new MC today from my local parts store and will swap it out and flush the brakes before the West Virginia Rally. You dont want brake issues in West Virginia!
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