Posted by mannyc [] on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 19:46:50 :
had a few minutes after work and before dinner to work on the cc. i removed the fuel line at the carb and operated the fuel pump. pump operated fine. removed the zenith carb and replaced the carb to manifold gasket with a doubled up and stapled unit from midwest military. the orig gasket crumbled upon removal. removed the heat shield from the engine and applied high head reflective foil to the manifold side of the shield. installed a high heat fuel line cover on the fuel line carb to fuel pump line. changed the fuel filter at the back of the truck. pumped the pedal, pulled the choke and she fired right up. need to test it tonight. will post pics of the added parts. i don't believe that it will cure all vapor locking, but i believe it will help a great deal..
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