Posted by Dan Shockley [] on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 11:15:52 :
In Reply to: O.T. Muscle car prices plummeting? posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 20:09:58 :
I think that we have seen the peak of the muscle car era cars. If you follow collectable cars, they all run cycles in popularity and therefore price. My observations is that prices peak approximately 40 years after the cars were built. My hypothesis is that the folks that were drooling over these cars when new, peak in disposable income at about the same time. For example, if you were 15 in 1967 drooling over a new 'cuda - you would be willing to pay top dollar for it when you are around 55 - 40 years later in 2007. Since I have been following cars, this trend has held up pretty well.
Of course, overall market conditions weigh in pretty heavy on what people are willing to pay. And, the growing barrier to retirement is a much greater force impacting collector cars than fuel prices - in my opinion (excluding Canadians, of course).
And, since the 80s and 90s sucked in terms of cars - it may be years before we see a peak in the market like the muscle car era demonstrated. In fact, we may never see it again.
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