Posted by clueless [] on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 10:34:59 :
In Reply to: So, why don't you leave? posted by Chris Case [] on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 21:48:08 :
the income taxes you pay only go to the fed. reserve bank of ny which is owned by foreign merchants and pays interest on debt only--nothing for infrastructure
no skimming here, i paid and pay my fair share of taxes and i don t mind a minimal tax on goods but income tax is bs and illegal
income tax is unconstitutional as is the fed
our forefathers left europe to get away from the same thugs and warmongering tax cons and set this nation up diff. but the same thugs finally set up their con here thru their political agents
they created the great depression and this one all on purpose the wws for their benifit and always finacnce both sides--bus as usual
they started the civil war for the same reason it was not about slavery but imposing an illegal private central bank
you be talking to a patriot son who likes to visit i luv my country and my people just would like to see it run the way it was set up instead of hijacked by a bunch of globalist war mongering thugs
The History of the Federal Reserve System, the United States Treasury and the Illegal agents of Taxation and foreign Overlords to whom they owe their obeisance is a history of repeated monetary Abuses, Depreciation, Extractions and Destruction, all to the end of creating an Absolute Tyranny over the peoples of these United States. To prove these accusations, let these following facts speak for themselves.
1. The establishment of a National Bank called the Federal Reserve which, by its charter, is accountable to no power other than its Foreign Masters
2. The Federal Reserve system is empowered to issue baseless valueless currency in direct contravention to the Constitution of the United States.
3. The people of these States have had their real currency, gold, taken from them illegally by an official who usurped Constitutional law, done so at the bidding of the Federal Reserve Bank and its foreign Masters.
4. The people of these States have had imposed on them a Federal Income Tax, a tax levied without the Consent of the People and unjustly apportioned to each citizen in an unequal and confiscatory manner.
5. The people of these States have had their Rights taken, forcibly and without accomodation to the damage of those Rights lost.
6. The United States Government has created legislation which placed Unconstitutional burdens on the people without their consent, removing from the people the right of Redress for their Grievances, removing the capacity of the people to Appeal these burdens to distant or unusual place, governed by those who would be Obstructionist and Tyrannical in their demeanor.
7. The Federal Reserve and Chief Executive of the United States, without the consent of the Governed, removed that last vestiges of support of the US Dollar by taking the currency of this country off the only standard of value known. That standard is measured by Gold and by Silver. The Constitution provides that such debasement of the currency is a capital crime.
8. The US Treasury has overspent the monetary resources of the country and in doing so has caused a 95% devaluation of the dollar by 95% of its true worth in the last century.
9. The US Treasury and the Federal Reserve bank have caused to be printed excess amounts of currency to pay for its profligate and excessive spending, thus burdening the future generations of Americans with a national debt in excess of $16 trillion US Dollars
10. The Federal Reserve Bank has caused to be printed such an excess of FIAT currency as to pose the most serious threat to this country since its inception; the real and present danger of Hyper Inflation.
11. The government of the United States has involved itself in numerous wars over the last century, the effect of which is to damage the monetary base of the county by extreme debt and currency manipulation.
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