Posted by Mhettinga in Nm [] on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 19:00:14 :
In Reply to: Should i take my WM300 to a machine shop? posted by Sterling From TX [] on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 14:27:49 :
As usual the guys have a lot of advice on this forum! I have recently removed and replaced the manifold on mine. You should have 4 studs. The studs thould have nuts on them. The two in the outside have brass spacers that thou shalt not loose.these needed for expansion of the metal. You should not have to remove the studs in order to get the manifold off. It is cast iron and may crack or break if prayed on too much from one side. Work on it all the way around with a series of punches, screwdrivers, plastic or wood handles...whatever will fit in the widening crack to fill it as you go around prying and hammering. Try penetrant oil such as kroil for a week on the stud. Forget wd40. Candle will work but first you have to drill all the way to the back of the bolt in order to get the wax where you need it. It's hard to drill centered up correctly btw. Heat is good but remember heat expands what your the stud gets bigger. If you decide to go this route as others suggested, heat the stud with one hand grip the vice grips with the other hand and tap the vice grips with a hammer with your third hand. This acts like an air impact. Might be a good investment to get one of those air operated como units with an impact, drill, cutter and hammer from autozone for under 150.