Posted by Eric B. [] on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 16:31:32 :
In Reply to: Michael Verst artwork posted by Joe Cimoch [] on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 08:03:51 :
I stared at his truck for a long time trying to figure out why it looked so right. Why did it look so good? The answer was the subtle front to back curve to the roof. It doesn't jump out at you, but it just makes the truck look right. Add in the use of the correct style dome lights and other correct period Dodge truck details and you can tell a ton of thought went into every piece of this truck.
After talking to Michael about his truck and crawling around it for a while I started telling everyone that looked at the truck to open and close a door. The doors on Michael's truck work so nicely it was a pleasure just to close one. Everyone who closed one wanted to know how he got them working so nicely. There were a ton of wows being tossed around. Even hearing them close was music to my ears.
I hope VPW is mailing you your trophy.
Thanks for bringing your Crew Cab to the rally and letting us all see your excellant craftsmanship in person.
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